UG Physics Laboratory

Department of Physics , LNMIIT Jaipur

Refractive index of glass with the help of a prism

Aim :

1. To understand the accurate leveling and focusing of a spectrometer.

2. Investigation of the variation in the refractive index, μ of a prism with wavelength λ.

Theory :

The fact that a prism is capable of dispersing light is due to the variation of its refractive index with wavelength. In this experiment the refractive index is obtained for a variety of wavelengths by measuring the minimum deviation angle of the prism for each wavelength.

To understand what is meant by the term angle of minimum deviation, consider Fig. 5.1. The incident parallel light beam is refracted by the prism in such a way that it is deviated by the angle θd from the undeviated direction. The angle is known as the angle of deviation and varies with both the wavelength and the angle at which the incident light intersects the prism.

If the prism is rotated about the axis it is found that the angle of deviation changes but never becomes less than a certain minimum value, δmin known as the angle of minimum deviation i.e. no matter what the orientation of the prism, as long as it is in the path of the incident light beam, the light beam will be deviated through at least this angle. When the prism is oriented in such a way that the exit beam is deviated through the least possible angle δmin, then further rotation of the prism in either direction will cause the exit beam to move further away from the least deviated direction. Thus for each wavelength in a spectral light source, there is a variation of the angle of deviation, θd with the angle of incidence, θi and at some value of the angle of incidence, the angle of deviation reaches a minimum as seen in Fig. (5.3).

Relation between μ and λ

Figure 5.3: Variation of the angle of deviation (θd) with the angle of incidence (θi) for a particular wavelength.

by measuring δmin for a variety of wavelengths, the variation of μ with wavelength may be determined.

To derive the exact relationship, consider the prism as seen in Fig. (5.4). It can be shown that the minimum value of the angle of deviation, δmin occurs when the ray passes through the prism symmetrically i.e. when the angle at which the light emerges is equal to the angle of incidence such that the ray passes parallel to the base of the prism as in Fig. (5.4). At each face the ray changes direction by θi − θr and so the total minimum deviation is


From Fig. 5.4, it is shown that the angle 6 MNO is the same as that of the refracting angle of the prism. Referring to the triangle LMN it is obvious, using trigonometry, that A = 2θr. Snell’s Law is of course μ = sin θi/ sin θr but θi = θmin/2 + θr, where θr = A/2 and hence we have


An empirical equation of the form


Figure 5.4: Condition for minimum deviation

was developed by Cauchy to describe the variation of μ with wavelength. Where a, b and c are constants and it is the purpose of this experiment to verify this equation (neglecting terms of higher order than the second) and to derive the constants a and b for the prism material.

Note: As the variation in refractive index over the whole of the visible is only of the order of 3% this means that δmin varies only very slowly with wavelength. Both a fair degree of experimental skill and great care in making the various measurements are necessary if reasonable results are to be attained.

Handcrafted with by LUSIP 2018 Team1