UG Physics Laboratory

Department of Physics , LNMIIT Jaipur

Mechanical waves

Aim :

1. Study wavelength (λ) as function of frequency (ν) and to find out the phase velocity vp of a traveling wave in a string.

2. To measure linear mass density μ of the string.

Theory :

A wave is an oscillation which propagates itself in space and time and usually periodically through matter and space. One can differentiate between transverse and longitudinal waves. In the case of transverse waves, the oscillation is perpendicular to the direction of the propagation of the wave. In the case of longitudinal waves, the oscillation and the propagation are in the same direction.

Our goal here is to find out the phase velocity of a wave. In order to calculate the velocity we need to know the frequency and the wavelength. Frequency is generated by function generator and is an independent variable here. So our main task is to calculate wavelength of the wave. Here in this experiment we calculate wavelength using a novel technique

A standing wave is created by reflecting the wave from its opposite end. The distance between the nodes is measured and thus the wavelength is calculated. A typical harmonic wave can be represented as,


y = Asin(kx − ωt)


y is the displacement of the particle from its mean position at a position x and at a time t.

A is the amplitude of the oscilation.

k is called the wave number and is related to the wavelength λ by the relation k = 2π/λ.

ω is called the angular frequency (measuered in radians per meter) and is 2π times the frequency.

Now consider two transverse waves having same amplitude, frequency, and wavelength but travelling in opposite directions in the same medium

y1 = Asin(kx − ωt)


and y2 = Asin(kx + ωt)

where y1 represents a wave traveling in the +x direction and y2 represents a wave traveling in −x direction. Adding these two functions gives the resultant wave function y


y = y1 + y2


y= Asin(kx − ωt) + Asin(kx + ωt)


y = 2Asin(kx) cos(ωt)

This represents a wave function of standing waves. The speed of a wave on a string which is under tension T and having a mass per unit length μ is given by


Handcrafted with by LUSIP 2018 Team1